
Our solutions allow robotic manipulators to be exploited to their full potential, aiming to a smarter, more efficient and more accurate robotic manufacturing.

Industrial robots

We offer a comprehensive range of industrial robots, catering to diverse applications with precision, flexibility and efficiency. Whether you’re looking for performant robotic solutions or cost-effective options, we’ve got you covered for all your automation needs.

    Collaborative robots

    Cobots, or collaborative robots, have become integral in various industries due to their versatility and ability to work alongside human operators.

      Easily and efficiently translate G-CODE files in
      ready-to-use robot programs

      We developed a software application that easily translates G-CODE scripts into ready-to-use robotic programs. The translation can be done in all common robotic languages.

      This tool transfers the output of CAM programs from the PC to the robot controller in a few simple steps.


        • reduces programming time;
        • does not require specific programming skills;
        • the generated code can be uploaded to the robot without any modifications.

      An application to control and coordinate a fleet of robots of different brands from your PC with Python

      We created K-ARL, an application that aims to make robot control and programming much easier, faster, and more powerful. It is a framework consisting of two main modules. The first one works as a coordinator and runs on a standard PC. The second KARL module is a program that runs on each robot controller.

      Some of its functionalities:

        • program and control multiple robots in parallel;
        • monitor the entire production process;
        • maintain sequence constraints for command execution.

      Facilitate the programming and optimize the execution of complex trajectories of industrial manipulators

      We developed an application that aims to enhance the capability of robotic manipulators of performing complex trajectories.

      It takes advantage of the “external control module” of the robot controller to send inputs to the robot trough your PC. Using such application is possible to program robot paths in a easier way and get more control on the trajectory itself.

      Particularly suitable application fields are:

        • Additive manufacturing (e.g., WAAM);
        • Machining (e.g., milling, finishing, deburring);

      Drastically increase the accuracy of industrial robots to meet the requirements of most precision-demanding processes  

      We propose an application that aims to drastically increase the accuracy of industrial robots. The principle is to exploit a laser tracker to continuously acquire the actual position of the end effector and adjust it through a closed-loop correction algorithm.

      The application corrects the robot’s position and trajectory in real time by taking advantage of feedback from measurements made by a laser tracker.

      A tool to carry out holistic and accurate virtual commissioning of robotic cells

      We developed a tool that allows to create an organic simulation environment where robot and PLC programs can be tested simultaneously, enabling a consistent and holistic virtual commissioning of the whole work station.

      The advantage offered by our approach is that each component involved in the simulation is simulated through its proprietary software, adding consistency and accuracy to the simulation.

      The main benefits of using such approach are:

        • time savings for not stopping the work station;
        • money savings for detecting errors earlier;
        • consistency of the simulation for using proprietary software;